Ouch! Both of my arms hurt! Today we had to get our shot for our mission trip. I had to get Hepatitis A & B, Typhoid, and Tetanus. I guess some people might say we've already begun "suffering for Jesus" but I think it's a very small price to pay for the privilege of going to share Him with those who don't yet know Him.
At our team meeting today, we discussed various items including security issues. We are continually reminded that we must be extremely careful with any electronic transmissions such as emails or blogs before we go and also text messages or phone calls while we're there. In a land where we're free to say and do pretty much anything we want to, it's hard to imagine falling under strict censorship. As I think about it, I'm reminded of those early Christians who went out to share their faith. Often, they would etch the symbol of a fish in the sand as they were talking to see if the person to whom they were speaking was "safe". If the person reciprocated, there was freedom to share without repercussions, and if not, it was time to move on. Though that type of caution was used many, many years ago, it seems we still must be on guard in some areas of the world. It's sad to think that this is so, but Christians aren't welcomed in many parts of the world, nor do they have the freedom to share openly.
I am thankful that God has already gone ahead of us and has already prepared the way for our team. We know that He has orchestrated every minute of every day, so we can trust that He will use all things for His glory.
We'll be purchasing our plane tickets tomorrow! As the time draws ever closer, I want to thank those who are already praying for us. Being bathed in prayer is the most vital part to this trip. Without your prayer support, we could not go forward...so thank you from the bottom of my heart.
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