Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. Ephesians 3:20-22
God is amazing! A couple of months ago when I first heard that little whisper inside my head that this was going to be a year of great blessing and challenges; I never dreamed that I would be going on a trip to Southeast Asia to share the gospel. When I learned the cost of the trip, my first thought was "there is no way on earth that I can raise that kind of money." My thought was true! There was no way on earth that I could raise the money...but there was a way in heaven and nothing is impossible for Him!
Two months have gone by since that first thought popped into my head. During that time, I've watched God miraculously prompt people to give financially toward this trip. He's raised over $3000 through people who were willing to be obedient to His leading. He's used both people I know well and those I've never met!
Throughout this, God has taught me that if He calls you do to something, you don't have to worry about the details because He will take care of those for you. I know that those who've partnered with me will receive abundant blessings and those who've chosen not to join in, missed out.
I am thanking Him and praising Him for His abundant blessings! I could never have done this on my own, and I think that's exactly what He wanted to teach me...I couldn't, but He sure could!
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