Sunday, February 16, 2025

Jesus Changes Everything

This is the first book that I have read about writings by theologian Stanley Hauerwas and I must say, it was pleasantly surprising. Not only did it open my eyes to new viewpoints about living the Christian life, but I found his works to be enlightening. 

I was most struck by the concept presented regarding the difference between being a disciple versus being an admirer of Jesus. As a believer for 50 plus years, I had never even considered this before. I always assumed the two were melded together but Hauerwas gives a different picture. Of course believers admire Jesus and long to be his disciples, but to truly be a disciple of Christ, one must allow every aspect of their being to be permeated by the person of Christ while at the same time loving and supporting his or her community. 

This was a quick read and I would like to thank Plough publishing for providing me with an advanced reader copy. I would recommend this book to anyone desiring to understand how to live more like Christ.