Saturday, July 11, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
One more day!!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Pray for China
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Time is drawing nearer...the realness kicks in!
Oh boy! It's only 5 days til we leave! We had our last team meeting today to discuss final lesson plans and itineraries. Today we were given some disturbing news...when we land in SE Asia, we can expect the plane to be immediately boarded by officials in hazmat (hazardous materials) outfits and then we'll be scanned to see if we have a fever. Apparently, they are so afraid that someone might bring the swine flu into their country that they've set up many precautions to combat any possibility of it happening. Please pray for our team that no one will have a fever and that no one will be detained. We need to be covered with prayer. This is real people, very, very real. Here's a news article you can view to get more information:
Saturday, July 4, 2009
The Aroma of Christ

This morning as I was reading my Bible and studying (I’ve been studying a lot about Jewish tradition, culture, and history as it relates to Jesus), I was led to the verse about Mary when she anointed the feet of Jesus with the nard (very expensive perfume). I always wondered why that was so significant, other than the fact that it symbolized preparation for His death and the burial preparations. In my studies, the Jewish tradition was when a king was chosen, instead of giving him a crown to signify this honor, he was anointed with a very strong smelling oil or perfume. The reason a strong smelling oil or perfume was used, was because the aroma would last for many days on the newly appointed King. As the King would travel among the crowds or from town to town, the aroma would often precede him and announce his coming beforehand. In thinking about this, I realized that when Mary anointed Christ, the beautiful aroma permeated his clothing, hair and his entire being so that in the days ahead, everywhere he went, those who were around him could smell the aroma and know that this was indeed the King (God’s chosen one). Perhaps even as he was being beaten, the aroma still lingered. Perhaps even when he was being nailed to the cross, the beautiful scent was still lingering a little bit, we will never know…but as we prepare to go to China and enter a country where we’re not able to freely speak about Christ, we can still carry His aroma with us! Hopefully, the Chinese students will be able to see that we are filled with the love of Christ. Hopefully, they will see that we are His hands and His feet. Hopefully, they will get just a whiff of a beautiful scent, the scent of a King wafting near us…as we allow every portion of Christ to exude through our pores. What a wonderful thought…we can carry the aroma of Christ everywhere we go…even to China!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
His Hands, His feet...
"...I am willing yet am so afraid
you give me strength when I say ...
I wanna be your hands, I wanna be your feet
I'll go where you send me, go where you send me
I'll be your hands, I'll be your feet
I'll go where you send me, go where you send me
And I'll try, yeah I'll try
to touch the world like you touched my life
And I'll find my way
To be your hands
I'll abandon every selfish thought
I surrender everything I've got
You can have everything I am
And perfect everything I'm not
I am willing, I'm not afraid
you give me strength when I say ...
I wanna be your hands
I wanna be your feet
I'll go where you send me, go where you send me
All He asks is that we are willing to let Him work in and through us. We just have to be empty vessels that contain His Spirit. He will accomplish everything He chooses to accomplish in and through us if we are just willing...I don't have to be strong, I don't have to be learned, I don't have to be anything but empty...
Let me always remember that I am deeply loved, completely forgiven, fully pleasing, totally accepted and absolutely complete in Christ. As I empty myself and allow Him full access, He will overflow my life with His love and joy. May it radiate out so others can see Him living in me.