Thursday, February 23, 2023

By Water - The Felix Manz Story by Jason Lansel A book review


Recently, I was given the opportunity to review the book, By Water, The Felix Manz Story written by Jason Landsel and published by Plough Publishing. It is a true story of persecution and martyrdom.

I must say, I was surprised to find this book was written in a comic book style with many graphic images. 

As I began to read the book, I was taken aback. In the first chapter, entitled "The Dream," I found myself offended by language I was not expecting to find in a Christian book. The first page of the chapter features some very violent comic book style graphics. In one scene, the word, "Bastard," appears in a comic bubble and in another, the phrase, "Son of a whore," appears. I almost stopped reading the book at that point, but I'd promised to give an objective review of the book so I continued on. 

As a former seminary student, with 2 degrees in ministry, I knew a lot of the religious history behind the book, but for some without any knowledge of religious persecution, the comic style of the book would be challenging to understand. 

On a positive note, the author made a point of including historical facts throughout the book and gave a much more detailed explanation at the end of the book. He also included a timeline and details geared more toward the adult reader. 

The intended audience for the book was unclear. Did the author believe it would appeal to teens or young adults or was it written more for the enjoyment and entertainment of grounded believers? 

The story is an important one and one worth telling. Felix Manz was a brave man to stand for his convictions even to the point of death. Without the sacrifices of many Christian martyrs, we wouldn't have the freedoms we enjoy today. 

I would like to thank Plough Publishing for giving me an opportunity to review this book in exchange for my honest opinion. The epilogue contained vital information for the reader and I was thankful it was included. 

The book can be purchased through Plough Publishing by clicking this link:

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